To start off, this is my take on a “What I Packed In My Hospital Bag” post. Reading those posts really entertains me, but I hope you find some of the info in this post more helpful and realistic than anything.
Bring your own water bottle!
Some people love their hospital cups, but I’m here to say that they’re not all created equal. I’m obsessed with my Stanley(s). They were the encouragement I needed to chug water through two pregnancies and a whole lot of breastfeeding. Whatever water cup or bottle gets you fired up to drink water at home should be with you for the hospital stay. The nurses will happily fill up any water receptacle being used.
Don’t pack everything you own.
You’re not moving in, you’re having a baby and heading home. Hospitals are generally clean but also, like, super germy. Use what they supply you! I never brought my own pillow, blanket (why?!), pump, birthing gown, burp rags, towels, etc. Use what they provide since things gets icky and then you don’t have to be responsible for doing that laundry later—days after giving birth.

Bring a sound machine & a long phone charger.
Maybe this is just a me thing, but we sleep with a sound machine every night at home so we also require them when away from home. This is just a given for us, but easy to forget. If you have a travel one for your baby, that can also work just make sure to bring the charger. It’s just so nice to drown out the hospital sounds—esp if trying to catch sleep during the day. The phone charger? Duh.
Have your phones ready to roll.
First off, make sure your phone storage isn’t maxed out. If it is, take care of that first. Secondly, make sure you have Live Photos turned on in your camera app. Lastly, if a nurse or physician offers to take your phone and grab pictures for you? Let them! They have seen and done this a million times and probably know what to shoot photos of. The anesthesiologist for my c-section offered to take photos for us and they are so special to me—and all on live mode, thank goodness!
Ask what’s up for grabs.
You are entitled to a bunch of supplies from the hospital when you leave. The hospital basins, baby combs, burp rags, etc. are staples in our home. For a major rule follower like me, it’s an uncomfortable moment that feels like stealing when you’re clearing a drawer and dumping stuff into a bag to take home on your final day. But ask your nurse what you should be taking with you and then ask for more of whatever you love (ex. a certain pad or disposable undies). Just ask. It never hurts. And if you know you’ll feel awkward, I recommend packing a reusable bag or something to make it look and feel less sketch to you. 😂

Our Actual Packing Lists
For Mom—Jolly Ranchers, a comfy nursing bra and nursing pads (I use these), a button-up pajama set, maybe a robe, hair tie/scrunchie, chapstick, your toiletries and makeup (travel shower stuff, toothbrush & paste, dry shampoo, etc.), a going home outfit, long phone charger, and a sound machine. Socks you love or washable slippers would be something else to consider! I don’t mind the grippy ones the hospital provides, so I have just used theirs. You don’t need to pack underwear or any postpartum medical supplies of your own. 🫣
The goal is to have the baby and go home for me, so I bring the least amount of things.
For Dad—sweats/comfy clothes, a hat, fresh underwear and socks, phone charger, toiletries (toothbrush & deodorant, mostly), water bottle, snacks he loves, slip-on shoes, and his pillow and blanket if he wants those. Remember he can leave the hospital to grab things if he needs to.
For Baby—announcement outfit/swaddle/accessories if you’re doing that, 1-2 onesies, going home outfit, car seat (obviously), pacifier you like, maybe their travel sound machine. The hospital has the diapers, wipes, burp rags, swaddles, hats, socks/mitts, pacifiers, bottle, etc. that you might think you need.
Wishing you the best experience giving birth! With our first child, our hospital stay felt like new parent bootcamp and was such a special experience with so much one-on-one training from our nurse (especially for my husband). Making people is the coolest thing that I have ever done. Each time I gave birth was just as thrilling as the last and it’s just the most intensely special, emotional, INCREDIBLE experience to meet your child for the first time. Go in trusting how strong you are and I promise you’ll walk out in absolute awe of what your body can do.
If you’re reading this, you might also like 5 Helpful Products for the Newborn Days and Our Top 10 Newborn Essentials. Always feel free to DM me with other questions on Instagram—I’m happy to share!