Excited to be sharing five products that I find super helpful during the newborn stage. And I should start by saying these are products that aren’t, like, a safe place to sleep and a changing pad. These are five things that make my life easier as a mother to a newborn—enjoy!

1. The Ollie Swaddle
This is basically just a swaddle that makes it nearly impossible for parents to mess up and actually keeps babies contained. Even little Houdini babies shouldn’t be able to get out of this one if you keep them snug enough. We actually use a regular swaddle and then the Ollie over the top of that one for Kit. For Wells, I don’t think we put another under since it was summer. Either way, highly recommend this amazing product.
2. Snuggle Me Organic
We use ours every single day and lovveee it. So nice to be able to move a newborn around the house with you and give them a snuggly option that I can only imagine feels like a little hug. Make sure you buy a cover for it, too. Note: I’m sure a Dock-a-Tot would be just as fantastic, but I only have ever used the Snuggle Me so I can only speak to it!
3. Portable Sound Machine
We have two of these Rohm portable sound machines that aren’t specific to babies—so we can use them, too. 👏🏻 Having one is so helpful to crank up and throw in the carseat to keep babies calm (and ideally asleep) in the car and when out and about. We use them around the house, too! ☺️
4. Tubby Todd All Over Ointment
I found this product when I was trying to find a safe option to put on Wells’ little newborn face to help with a bit of baby acne and have loved it ever since. I use it as a general super-moisturizing lotion for both babes and most recently have used it to clear up a little cradle cap. I gift this to my friends when they have babies and would recommend having it on hand for whatever newborn skin things you may experience. Babies are rashy and this seems to help.
5. Diaper Caddy
Buy any kind or even use a basket—it basically just needs a handle and a diaper changing mat in there. The one we have isn’t beautiful, but it is a hard worker in our house during newborn days (and it comes with a changing pad already). It’s nice to be able to have a portable diapering station so you aren’t always running to your official changing table in baby’s room. We loaded ours up with Kit’s newborn diapers and Wells’ diapers, too, in the early, sleepy days. Ours performed beautifully on our main floor during the days, then was stuffed full of everything I needed to get upstairs each night and acted as a nighttime diapering station in our room. The diaper caddy was an unexpected hero for us.

Hope this was helpful to you! Feel free to message me about other mommy topics you’d like to hear about. I’m no expert, but I always love hearing how other moms are doing things—anything is better than Google! Enjoy those snuggly newborn days. ❤️ & I would love to know what your favorite newborn products are, too!!